
Solar Flair Eyewear

SuperNova Fashion concierge

Do you want to create a personalized look for yourself or your style client? Let us elevate your next look by taking advantage of our SuperNova-Fashion Concierge Service! We will create custom looks specialized just for you and your personal fashion goals! Discover the perfect eyewear that best suits your face shape and style preferences! You will be provided personalized recommendations to ensure you make a lasting fashion statement where ever you go! Step into style and sophistication with our exclusive collection and complete your look today!

Please note that there is a non-refundable consultation fee of $50 for a 30-60 minute phone/video call to discuss your fashion needs/goals. If you choose to utilize the SuperNova Fashion Concierge Service, the non-refundable consultation fee will be applied to your style package.

fashion consultation

Please submit the form below and book your consultation for your fashion and eyewear needs. We will confirm your consultation within 24 hours. Thank you for choosing Solar Flair Eyewear, where fashion and the galaxy collide!


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